Our Mobile Store gives your employees a convenient way to get their safety needs.

Safety Outfitters is a rolling retail store carrying more than 2,500 pair of boots on-board to your work site. Our traveling retail store is a 44-foot tractor-trailer rig with a fashionable interior that provides an inviting retail store environment. We offer the greatest selection of brands, styles, sizes, and prices of safety footwear and related products offered by any mobile retail competitor in the area.
Safety Outfitters can make regularly scheduled visits to your industrial or construction work site anywhere in the Ark-La-Tex. Each site visit is pre-scheduled whenever possible, but service is available at anytime, anywhere, to meet your changing needs. When called for, Safety Outfitters will provide service at all shift changes on any given visit to maximize the opportunity for your employees to take full advantage of our shopping services.
Our Storefront satisfies customers’ immediate needs.

In addition, Safety Outfitters provides a convenient retail location in an industrial area just north of Downtown Shreveport, providing an alternative way for customers to purchase the same products at the same competitive prices found in the Safety Outfitters’ mobile store.
Safety Outfitters’ highly experienced partners and staff are dedicated to the consistent delivery of our integrity, top-service orientation and industry knowledge.
Safety Outfitters accepts cash and all major credit cards.